Mental Health in the Workplace
Mental health disorders are a major cause of sickness absence. According to the World Health Organisation, depression and anxiety cost the global economy $1 trillion a year– making them a serious challenge for organisations. Here we explore the key considerations for employers regarding mental health, with advice on how to recognise the warning signs and take appropriate action.

Facts about mental health
Over 300 million people suffer from depression (the most common mental illness), with many also suffering from anxiety.
Every $1 spent on scaled up treatment of common mental illnesses yields $4 worth of increased productivity.
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognises that anyone with a disability, including mental health illnesses, has a right to work and to be supported in the workplace.
What is mental illness?
The terms ‘mental health disorder’ and ‘mental illness’ can apply to a wide variety of conditions that affect mental wellbeing, from stress, anxiety, depression and eating disorders through to schizophrenia and dementia. Most mental health problems manifest themselves less visibly than physical disorders, making them difficult to identify and diagnose. This is why many organisations don’t appreciate the impact it has on the bottom line and why they fail to offer practical support to employees with mental health issues.
One of the main obstacles to tackling the problem of mental ill health in the workplace is the stigma that is often attached to it. Often employees who are experiencing mental health problems try to cover them up, making it difficult for others to spot the possible symptoms and to offer their support.
Spotting the warning signs
Many managers do not feel able to recognise mental health problems, but it is essential that they learn what to look out for. Some of the key symptoms to be alert to include:
lack of concentration
heightened emotional state/unusual displays of emotion
obsessive-compulsive behaviour
increased sick leave and/or frequent unexplained absences
poor timekeeping
Note: the signs and symptoms outlined here are not exclusively associated with mental health problems. It is therefore important not to jump to conclusions when employees exhibit any of these symptoms.
What can organisations do?

Many organisations now realise the significance of mental health problems, but when one of their employees is suffering mental ill health, some make the mistake of just giving them a leave of absence. However, leaving someone alone at home to tackle their problem is rarely the right way to handle the issue, and mental health organisations firmly believe that work is a fundamental part of the recovery process. Some organisations offer workplace counselling to support employees and help them back to work, while others take more preventative measures, adopting schemes to support good mental health, such as improving the working environment, and ensuring jobs and employees are well-matched.
Organisations can also ensure that employees receive the right training and support for their role, to help them avoid undue stress. Other practical steps organisations can take are:
Adopt a mental health policy
This will show that the organisation takes its employees’ mental wellbeing seriously. It should take into account the importance of raising awareness, and what the organisation promises to undertake in terms of prevention, education and training. The policy should also include information on how the organisation can assist with rehabilitation.
Provide education and training
Educating employees to take care of their own mental wellbeing and to look out for the warning signs in others is a great way to prevent mental ill health in the workplace and to reduce the stigma. Similarly, training managers will equip them with the skills and confidence needed to spot the symptoms of mental ill health and to decide on the most appropriate course of action.
Carry out a mental health audit
An audit can be conducted by distributing a questionnaire or checklist to measure employee satisfaction, sources of stress and support strategies. It should cover work content and scheduling, such as rotas and shift work, as well as physical working conditions.
Promote physical wellbeing
Encourage employees to take more care of their physical wellbeing, as it has proven links to mental health. The amount of assistance organisations can provide will vary depending on their individual circumstances, but could range from providing gym memberships to offering free fruit or diet advice.
Offer support services
These could include courses on stress and/or time management, a confidential counselling service, and perhaps complementary therapies, such as access to an on-site masseuse.
Improve working conditions
Remove any factor that could contribute to unnecessary stress, such as long working hours, by redesigning jobs and introducing flexible working arrangements. Improve the physical environment by investing in better lighting or a more appropriate layout to make it a more pleasant place to work.
There are many different types and causes of mental ill health, and employees with mental health problems cannot be treated as a homogenous group. However, organisations that provide appropriate support and offer a positive working environment will find that this has a positive impact on stress-related sickness absence and on the long-term outcomes for employees experiencing mental ill health.
WHO, ‘Mental Health in the Workplace’ at:
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, ‘Article 27 – Work and Employment’ at: