Step 1: Each member of the team is to individually rank each of the 12 “Team Agreements for Successful Teamwork” listed below.
(#1 is most important, #12 least).
Record your responses under “Your Ranking.”
You will have 10 minutes to do so. Do not discuss the items until each member has finished the individual ranking.
Teamwork Statement
If we must be late or absent, we will inform the team facilitator, liaison, or a team member at least a day in advance.
We will always come to meetings prepared to work on the agenda that we will receive before the meeting. Our preparation and data collection will be complete, and we will be ready to discuss the issues on the agenda.
We will always respect the opinions and feelings of all individuals. Each member has equal participation in our meetings. When discussing team business, members should expect to contribute to discussions and be listened to with respect.
We will always avoid blaming people for the shortcomings of our team. If our team somehow fails to do its tasks properly, we will examine our team process and attempt to improve it. If individuals are having trouble meeting their commitments, the team will support them in every possible way.
Members will support the decisions of the team after they are made. Undermining team decisions or second-guessing and badmouthing the team and its work outside the team setting to nonmembers is unacceptable behavior.
Members will live up to their team commitments, recognizing that failure to do so affects the whole team’s progress. When in jeopardy of not meeting their obligations, members will notify the team in time for other members to take supportive actions.
When faced with a decision, we will first decide how to make the decision. Our general rule is to (1) state the problem, (2) discuss different ideas, (3) examine the benefits and risks associated with different approaches, and (4) select an approach we can all support.
We will deal with conflict in a productive way. Our general rule for conflict is to understand the problem as best we can from each side’s perspective. To do that we will listen to all sides of the conflict, looking for facts and evidence. If there is still a conflict about facts, we will gather additional data. When the problem is understood, the team will help those in conflict create alternative approaches.
We recognize that working on a team usually results in high quality ideas and decisions. If we find we are not experiencing these benefits of teamwork, we will pause to assess how we are working together until we better understand our team and our work.
We will not engage in sidebar conversations, whether or not they relate to the topic under discussion or other issues. Relevant conversations will be shared with all team members.
Because of the time boundaries of this project and our desire to engage all participants in discussions and decisions, external interruptions will be kept to a minimum.
The discussions and decisions of this team will be kept confidential and not shared with anyone outside of this group, until agreed to by all participants.
Step 2: After everyone has finished the individual ranking, rank order the 12 items as a team.
Use the second column—“Team Ranking”— record your responses. Once discussion begins, do not change your individual rankings.
You will have 25 minutes for the team discussion.