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Teamwork & Collaboration

Working with others toward shared goals; creating group synergy in the pursuit of collective goals

People with this competence:

  • Enjoy working cooperatively with others;

  • Draw all members of a group into active and enthusiastic participation;

  • Build team identity, esprit de corps, and commitment;

  • Protect the group and its reputation; share credit;

  • Share plans, information, and resources;

  • Put team goals before individual goals;

  • Interacts well with all different personalities and work styles on the team; and

  • Demonstrates trust in, and respect for, all team members.

People lacking this competency:

  • Prefer working alone; do not coordinate their efforts with others;

  • Fail to take on their fair share of the team’s responsibilities;

  • Withhold information and help from others on the team;

  • Undermine or discount team decisions and team actions outside the team;

  • Avoid conflict and the opportunity to resolve differences with other team members;

  • Tend to view the team as an obstacle to getting work done;

  • Fail to abide by team norms and standards; and

  • Fail to support the decisions of the team.

Development tips:

  • Seek out opportunities to work with others; take a genuine interest in learning more about their work and how you can support them;

  • Keep other team members informed of your work, timelines and priorities;

  • Share equipment, materials, funds and resources with other team members;

  • Publicly credit other team members who have done well;

  • Solicit others’ points of view, particularly quiet members;

  • Avoid taking control of the agenda or being the first to make suggestions; be aware of dominating team meetings;

  • Bring conflict out into the open and encourage all to resolve it; and

  • Treat co-workers with courtesy and respect; demonstrate trust in fellow team members.

Great Resources:

  • Teamwork: What Must Go Right, What Can Go Wrong,by Carl Larson and Frank

  • LaFasto When Teams Work Best, by Frank LaFasto and Carl Larson

  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, by Patrick Lencioni

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