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Situational & Organisational Awareness - Development tips to deal with tough times

In times of crisis, it's important to have situational awareness, which means being aware of your surroundings, understanding the current situation, and anticipating potential risks and threats. This can help you make informed decisions and stay safe during tough times. Here are some tips for developing situational awareness during difficult times:

  1. Stay informed: Stay up-to-date with the latest news and information related to the crisis. This can help you better understand the situation and anticipate any potential risks or threats.

  2. Be observant: Pay attention to your surroundings and look for any signs of danger or potential threats. This includes noticing unusual behavior or activity, changes in the environment, or anything that seems out of the ordinary.

  3. Trust your instincts: If something feels off or unsafe, trust your instincts and take action to protect yourself. This may mean leaving a potentially dangerous situation or seeking help from others.

  4. Plan ahead: Create a plan for how you will respond in different scenarios. This can include identifying safe places to go, having emergency supplies on hand, and knowing who to contact for help.

  5. Practice self-care: It's important to take care of yourself during tough times. This includes getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and help you relax.

By developing situational awareness during tough times, you can better protect yourself and your loved ones. However, it's important to remember that situational awareness is not about living in fear or paranoia. Instead, it's about being prepared and taking proactive steps to stay safe and navigate difficult situations. With practice, anyone can develop situational awareness and feel more confident and empowered in tough times.

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