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Performance Management - Benefits for Performance Appraisals

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Benefits to Performance Management and Perfomance appraisals inclued:

Organisational level:

• improves organisational performance

• helps ensure individual objectives are met

• a focus for more effective communication

• helps to review roles and responsibilities

Organisational level:

• opportunity for organisational skills analysis

• essential forum for performance-related pay schemes

• useful way of conducting training needs analysis

To the Appraiser:

• ensures employees are focusing on the right things

• improves performance of individuals

• makes best use of capabilities within the team

• opportunity to give and receive feedback

To the Appraiser:

• review future requirements of the job

• explore training and development needs

• discover employees’ future plans

• address any employee concerns

• give a ‘pat on the back’

To the Appraisee:

• provides feedback on ‘how I am doing’

• identifies strengths and weaknesses

• provides job-role clarity

• gives an opportunity to discuss training/development needs

To the Appraisee:

• provides greater opportunity to achieve full potential

• a forum for recognition to be given

• increases employees’ involvement in planning their work and future

To the Appraisee:

• allows opportunity to comment on managerial style

• gives the individual an opportunity to put forward his/her own views

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