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Motivation - Herzberg's Motivators and Hygiene Factors


Do you know what motivates your team members to give their best? Is it money? Job security? Opportunities for growth? Or, something else?

In the 1950s, psychologist Fredrick Herzberg set out to answer that very question. He wanted to know what factors created job satisfaction, and how it impacted people's motivation.

So, he asked them to describe situations where they felt really good, and really bad, about their work.

And, he found that certain characteristics of a job consistently related to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Herzberg called the factors that increase satisfaction "motivators."

These are the things like achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, advancement, and growth.

Conversely, the factors that lead to dissatisfaction are called "hygiene factors."

These are: company policies, level of supervision, relationships with supervisors and peers, work conditions, salary, status, and security.

What's interesting about Herzberg's findings is that addressing the causes of dissatisfaction does not, in itself, automatically create satisfaction.

In fact, increasing satisfaction is a two-step process which involves first eliminating the hygiene factors, and then focusing on the motivators that make people happy at work.

To reduce dissatisfaction in your team, make sure that everyone has meaningful work to do, and that their wages are competitive. Also, make it a priority to develop a team culture that is built on respect and dignity.

Check in with your people to ensure they're being treated fairly and respectfully. And, that they're not being held back by unnecessary "red tape."

Next, consider how you can boost motivation factors to create job satisfaction. Herzberg called this "job enrichment."

Create opportunities for achievement in your team. Do this by giving people as much responsibility as possible. And offer them training and development pathways that will help them to advance their careers.

Finally, celebrate their achievements. And recognize and reward the contribution that each person makes to your organization.

If you do this regularly, you might be amazed by the impact that it has on your team's motivation, performance and productivity.



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