This guide has been designed to help you deal with an individual who does not act as a team player. It can be particularly relevant for entrepreneurial personalities who consider teamworking competencies to be less important than individual work.
Highly creative or particularly clever individuals can be a welcome addition to a team. They may be able to offer alternative perspectives or specialist skills that other team members may not have. With such employees it is important to enable them to work to their particular strengths, while also considering the needs of the rest of your team.

The following framework is designed to help you work with a maverick employee when you suspect their behaviour is proving detrimental to the overall wellbeing of your team. It will help you to address the issue without curbing their particular talents, damaging the professional relationship or the individual’s self-esteem.
It can be used as a coaching tool where you have identified that there is an urgent need to address a behavioural issue. It is important to note that the following process should be used on a one-on-one basis with the individual and not as part of a team session. You may also find, however, that you can apply the stages of the framework to other team behavioural problems, such as poor communication.
When to use this guide
Signs that a maverick is causing problems in your team may include some or all of the following observations:
the team member is consistently unwilling to listen to other people’s ideas;
on more than one occasion, the individual has insisted that a task or project is run their way or not at all
your team has agreed upon an approach and is just about to get started when the team member suddenly decides that they are no longer in agreement and demands a change in approach - this is not the first time they have done this
they frequently criticise the way that the rest of the team members tackle their work, believing that their opinions and knowledge are superior to those of the other team members
it has come to your attention that the team member has a reputation as a ‘prima donna’ and this is starting to disrupt the team and work progress
they exert a disproportionate amount of influence over the team, in comparison to the input of the other team members
the team member wants to exert their individuality and does not appear to buy into the team vision
they play ‘devil’s advocate’ at every team meeting, which is hindering group decision-making

If one person in your team is allowed to continually work to their own agenda then other team members may be tempted to follow suit. It is easier to manage one maverick than several.
Developing a robust and consistent approach to managing maverick behaviour is an important part of managing people. It will help you to:
draw the line between individual expression and problem behaviour
address the problem behaviour without being seen to ‘pick on’ individual personalities
set a standard for acceptable behaviour
demonstrate to the team how to deal with problem behaviour in a professional manner
give constructive criticism to a team member in appraising their performance
This guide provides ten steps to rectifying disruptive behaviour within your team:
1. Outline examples of problem behaviour.
It is important to be as objective as possible. Not only must you approach the problem with an objective mindset, but you must also be seen to be doing so.
When communicating that there is an issue around the actions and attitude of a maverick team member it is important that you:
Outline that there is a problem with the individual’s behaviour (as opposed to their personality). The rationale behind this is that behaviour can be changed but personality is innate.
Give specific examples of situations where their behaviour has been an issue. It is important to note that if you did not observe the situation first hand, you must clarify all facts with the person who provided the evidence and also the maverick themselves.
2. Explain why there is an issue.
The aim in addressing a problem situation is to be constructive but not confrontational. You must, however, stand your ground against a strong personality. The individual might not realise the behaviour they are displaying, or the impact it is having on the rest of the team. It is important to bring this to their attention, rather than make them defensive about their performance, so language should be kept as neutral as possible.
You could use language such as ‘In a group situation you sometimes dismiss others’ opinions. This can appear disrespectful towards other team members. For example, you started an argument with Bob because the rest of the team had agreed on Plan Alpha. This led to the group feeling frustrated at the consensus being reversed. The end result was a delay in starting the project, which has now meant time pressures for the team.’
3. Communicate the need for change.
When talking to the individual, it is essential to outline that this is a problem with achieving group objectives and appropriate working relationships. Otherwise, it might appear that you are favouring one employee over another and there is an issue on the personal, not professional, level.
4. Allow the individual to explain their intention.
There are often two sides to a story, so it is important to clarify the individual’s intention in their actions, as well as considering how you perceive their behaviour. It is possible that the individual thought that they were doing what was expected of them, or believed they were acting in the best interests of the team. It may also be that they have not been given the appropriate team training, or they are struggling with issues in their personal life.
If you are having trouble exploring what the individual intended to achieve by their actions, it may be useful for you to:
describe the effect you have seen their actions cause
ask them how they think others would react to their actions (i.e. putting themselves in their shoes)
ask them if they achieved their objectives
Something to be aware of is that the individual may see your discussions as an opportunity to further enforce their opinions and dominance. Lengthy meetings that allow the individual to indulge in self-justification should therefore be avoided.
It is often the case that once a problem has been highlighted to an individual they will see how their behaviour was inappropriate and suggest remedial action immediately without having to be prompted. By considering the individual’s view, you have allowed them to have their say and also identified all the issues that should be considered in finding the solution. By doing so, it is more likely that you will be able to agree on a course of action to take forward and the solution that you will put in place will be effective.
5. Relate the individual’s actions to career management.
Any issue that you have with a member of the team should be grounded in their professional capacity. First, this ensures that you are being objective and are dealing with issues that fall within the professional, not personal, remit. Second, this appeals to the individual’s self-interest. If you align their objectives with those of the team, then you are more likely to gain their commitment and co-operation because, ultimately, you are trying to achieve the same things. If, for example, the individual realises that distancing their peers will not help their promotion prospects or will impact any performance bonus, it is likely that they will actively take steps to modify their behaviour.
6. Secure the individual’s commitment.
The individual must acknowledge that they have teamworking issues that must be addressed before a way forward can be agreed. Simply imposing a solution won’t change their behaviour. The individual must want to change their ways of working first. If you are having difficulty securing this commitment it may be useful to bring another colleague into the process - preferably someone that they hold in high regard.
7. Brainstorm ideas together.
Once the individual has acknowledged their part in the problem, a solution must be formulated. If the individual is part of the process then they will be more likely to buy into it and implement it. Moreover, it reiterates the fact that the individual has a responsibility to solve the problem.
8. Commit to providing support.
A plan that can make many small changes is more likely to achieve the end result than if the solution is daunting or unrealistic. Along with providing ideas for an achievable solution, it is important that the individual is given the appropriate support to achieve the agreed solution. This requires your commitment and for the individual to be able to trust you. Make it clear that you will be available should the individual have further questions or need to call on your advice.
9. Draw up a strategy.
By combining realistic suggestions and commitment, an action plan for change can be devised. It is important that you know exactly what the individual expects of you, as well as what they expect from themselves. If they need you to do something, such as providing training on a particular area, e.g. self-awareness or emotional intelligence, then do so in a timely manner. This might also require enlisting the support of other team members.
10. Review progress.
The plan should incorporate specific targets and timescales against which both you and the individual can monitor progress. It is essential that this monitoring actually takes place. First, it ensures that the plan is kept on track. Second, it sends a message to the individual and the whole team that there are standards for acceptable behaviour within your team, and these are taken seriously.