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Intentionality - Living in an intentional mindset

Living with an intentional mindset means one must first know what intentional living is. So to that end we are going to talk about what intentional living is and what is not.

Intentional Living Is

Having a firm foundation and rock solid core beliefs in every area of life and from those two citadels a person can begin to formulate a thought process for living in a very deliberate manner every day of their life.

  • A person who lives with intention has a purpose in life;

  • The day has order and direction;

  • A person must actually act [not just say they want to do something];

  • Only YOU can change your life;

  • YOU are 100% responsible for your choices and decisions in life;

  • Keep learning and growing every day;

  • To live intentionally you must know what is required of you;

  • To work and live with intention also means knowing where your greatest return comes from;

  • The reward for living with intention comes from contribution;

  • Intentional people live their own lives, in their own timing; and

  • People who live intentionally surround themselves with those who are “eagles” and others who soar.

What Intentional Living IS NOT

  • Feeling sorry for yourself and looking for someone or something to point your finger at to blame;

  • Intentional Living is not trusting yourself or others in general and therefore relationship building is difficult for you;

  • If you allow others to drive your life, agenda, & calendar by being a processor of a data stream constantly scanning, answering, and looking for alerts, you are not living with intention;

  • Looking for the freebie, the what am I going to get out of this deal attitude, or I am going to get even on this one, well….this is not the intentional living mindset;

  • Do you feel “entitled”, then you certainly are not living with intention;

  • If “paying it forward” is a foreign concept to you then selfishness and being in the spotlight are your goals not living with intention;

  • Do you wake up and roll out of bed and just see what the day is going to bring your way? No plans, No goals, just a happy-go-lucky kind of person; is that you? Then this type of living isn’t part of who you are;

  • When you left school for the last time, was that the last time you cracked a book, or went out and paid to learn something?; and

  • Was the last thing you did to raise awareness or money for a cause, a bake sale in middle school for the basketball team? Then intentional living is not on your radar.

What we are talking about here is obvious to most and may be only a glimmer to some and still others will be in the dark. Each of us needs a direction from the moment we get up until the moment we go to bed. We need a purpose for being, a reason to live, a cause to fight for, something to learn, a daily process which like the seasons keeps us in a rhythm of life. That rhythm in turn keeps us healthy, happy, productive, forward thinking and moving. Ideally we will be lifting up others and bringing them along with us, showing them the way too. Together we will be making a difference in our own lives, our families, neighborhoods, communities, towns, cities, states and indeed the world.

The choice of course is entirely up to you.

What do you choose?

Intentional Living or something else…..

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