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Inspirational Leadership - Moments Matter


What are they?

  • Moments that Matter help define who you are as a leader and what you value. Throughout your life you will continue to experience these moments and they will continue to shape you as a leader. Some moments are positive, some are negative. Some moments are deliberative and proactive, while others just happen as part of life’s program.

  • Even negative experiences can be turned into positive, leadership defining moments.

  • Being aware and capturing moments that matter is a way to gain a deeper understanding of who you are as a leader. If used in a team setting, Moments that Matter help fellow teammates understand what makes you tick.


Think of a time in your life (personal or professional) that helped shape who you are as a leader today. Jot down what you recall about that event. How did you use your strengths? What did you learn about yourself? What emotions did you experience? Be prepared to share your story at our upcoming coaching session or team meeting.

Adapted from the book: High Impact Leader: Moments Matter in Accelerating Authentic Leadership Development (2006), by Bruce Avolio & Fred Luthans (University of Nebraska).

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