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Innovation & Creativity

Being open to and actively pursuing novel ideas and new approaches

People with this competence:

  • Seek out fresh ideas from a wide variety of sources;

  • Are open to and consider new and original solutions to problems;

  • Ask lots of questions to generate new ideas; encourage others to brainstorm & think out loud;

  • Take fresh perspectives and risks in their thinking;

  • Question accepted practices, patterns and assumptions;

  • Strive to find new ways of doing things; strive to see things newly; are curious; and

  • Are flexible and adaptable; view “failure” as “feedback” (“well, that’s one idea that doesn’t work; let’s try something else”) and don’t beat themselves up about it.

People lacking this competency:

  • Worry and become anxious when they have to shift priorities or deal with change;

  • Respond negatively to new situations and complain;

  • Are inflexible in how they see things;

  • Are hesitant to take on new challenges; and

  • Can’t change track when confronted with changing circumstances

Development tips

  • Call on all your thinking capacity for generating ideas – feelings, hunches, intuition – the opposite of creativity is strict cognitive thinking;

  • Use all your senses and brainstorm, generate lots of ideas, options and possibilities when approaching a challenge; don’t edit your ideas or censor yourself;

  • Ask yourself “what if” questions;

  • Take time off – we can’t be creative when we are exhausted by too many demands;

  • Clear your space and declutter – this enhances creativity;

  • Cultivate an attitude of curiosity in all things; if something strikes a spark of interest, follow it;

  • Explore your polarity – that is, explore the opposite (i.e., if you’re an extrovert, learn to experience the world as an introvert; if you’re analytical, tap into and trust your intuition); and

  • Allow yourself to be surprised by something every day.

Great resources:

Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention, by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

A Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Creative, by Roger VanOech Six Thinking Hats, by Edward De Bono

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