1. In what areas of your life or work do you tend to procrastinate the most? Prioritize them (1, 2, 3, etc.) in terms of those you most want to change.
2. What will happen if you can master procrastination in these areas (list the benefits of overcoming procrastination for each of your top 3).
3. What activities do you normally substitute for the priority activity that you postpone? How much value do you derive from these procrastination activities?
4. What do you tell yourself to justify putting off the activities you identified in #1 above?
5. What alternative message(s) can you give yourself when you start making up diversionary excuses to not do something?
6. What emotions do you experience when you procrastinate on those priority activities?
7. What are the consequences – what do you lose – as a result of procrastination in your priority areas?
8. What future problems would you eliminate by breaking through your procrastination habit(s)? (What problems would you avoid?)
9. What would you gain by breaking your procrastination habit(s)? (More time with family and friends? Relief from stress? A concrete competitive advantage? Greater financial viability? Less guilt? Living life with greater ease, poise, grace, control?)
10. What have you found in the past that has worked in countering procrastination?
11. When you have broken through procrastination in the past, how long were you able to maintain your productivity before returning to procrastination? What do you think caused the setback(s)?
12. Taking your #1 priority from the list created in response to question #1 above, write out your goal below. Be as specific as possible. Within what time frame would you like to achieve this goal? How will you measure success?
13. What steps do you need to take to achieve this goal? Please list them below. (what do you need to do first, what next, and what after that? If you need more paper, please use the reverse side of this page).
14. When will you start? How can you start? How can you motivate and mobilize yourself for action? Create time on your calendar to carry out each step. Do this now.
15. How will you feel once you get going?
17. How can you maintain your momentum once you get started on these actions, steps and/or activities?
18. How will you avoid getting sidetracked? What messages might you start hearing from yourself, and how can you counter them so you can keep making progress toward your goal(s)? What activities might you start noticing yourself gravitating toward which divert you from your goal? How can you keep going toward your goal(s)? What other procrastination impulses might you experience and how will you overcome them?
19. How can you minimize distractions? How can you manage unexpected non-priority interruptions that distract you from the time you set aside to focus on your priorities?
20. How will you reward yourself for making good progress toward your goal(s)?
