Gaining organisational buy-in is essential when implementing an EQ strategy. These top tips will help you gain the support you need.
Link emotional intelligence to a business need. Highlight the positive impact on the bottom line, by a bench marking exercise or by a co-ordinated communications programme in advance. This needs to be communicated to all staff.
Find a powerful sponsor. Financial and political protection from a member of the senior management team will add momentum to the process, as individuals are much more likely to be convinced of its worth if it is sponsored by a respected executive.
Establish a team to develop the idea. Preferably a self-managed team representing various departments, who are enthusiastic about the strategy. The team should be encouraged to innovate.
Use research to evaluate the programme and demonstrate its value
Make sure that the programme’s quality is exceptionally high.
Infuse emotional intelligence into the organisation in a variety of ways. Tailoring the programme will help to ensure a better fit for separate departments and levels of staff.
Find emotionally intelligent leaders to guide implementation.
Move when the timing is right.
It is important to ensure that the prevailing political, financial and economic conditions in the organisation are favourable to the introduction of such an ambitious strategy. If the conditions are judged to be unfavourable, the strategy should not be implemented. It is better to delay introduction than to rush out a programme that might not succeed.

Source: Daniel Goleman and Cary Cherniss, ‘Guidelines for Best Practice’ at: