The Compassionate Colleague
When you’re under pressure at work, it can be all too easy to develop tunnel vision and ignore what’s going on around you. Regardless of how stressed you may find yourself, it’s important to remain compassionate and remember the people you work with. Making time for your colleagues, to ask how they’re doing or even just grab a cup of coffee, can have significant benefits for their mental health and general well being.
It’s been well proven that compassion in the workplace can also have a rewarding effect on productivity and is crucial to maintaining morale, teamwork and customer satisfaction. Links have even been made between compassion and faster recovery from illnesses, which leads to less absenteeism - yet another beneficial effect for companies.
Cultivating compassion
Here are just a few ways you can help to foster a culture of compassion in your workplace:
Get to know your colleagues
Though it may seem obvious, people like to feel that they are part of a team and have a connection to others. We spend a significant part of our lives at work but how much do you really know about the people you work with? If the answer for at least some of them is ‘not that much’, it’s worth taking some time to find out a bit more about them, their hobbies, preferences and what really makes them tick.
Be curious.
Ask your colleagues questions and really get to know each other, whether they sit across the desk from you, or they work across the globe. Even a simple question like ‘What did you do this weekend?’ can give you insights into what matters for them and what they may have going on. This can help you to establish stronger team bonds, and shows that you care about the people you work with. Social events like a team lunch or a get together after work are another good way to build relationships, create a sense of cohesion and help to make people feel heard and understood.
Be aware of changes in behaviour
One benefit of getting to know your colleagues a little better is that you should be able to spot changes in their mood or general well being that might signal something is wrong. Look out for unexplained changes in behaviour, such as an increased frequency of sick days, a lack of motivation or general fatigue, which may suggest a colleague is struggling.
It’s important, however, not to speculate too much, or to jump to hasty conclusions. Licensed therapist, Anna Ranieri, says that although ‘’it’s human nature to try to find a pattern and to label it’’, it’s also important not to jump to conclusions over a colleague’s behaviour "because most of us aren’t trained to diagnose someone”.
Be prepared to ask if something is wrong
The best way to find out if something is wrong is to simply to ask, but bear in mind that it’s important to remain sensitive to the other person. Don’t pry; perhaps the issue is quite personal and they don’t feel comfortable discussing it. Ask if they’re OK, and if there’s anything you can do to help. If they don’t want to talk about it, just let them know you’re there if they need you. If the issue is fairly obvious - for instance, a colleague is stressed due to the pressure of a tight deadline - offering to give them a hand with their workload may be all the help they need. Little gestures like this can make a huge difference when needed most.
Sometimes people just need to vent or to express their problems out loud. ‘A problem shared is a problem halved’ may sound clichéd. But taking the time to listen to a frustrated colleague can help them get things off their chest, refocus and work out what they need to do next.
Create a caring atmosphere
While it’s likely that, from time to time, employees will struggle at work, helping to create and cultivate an open and accepting work space can help individuals to speak freely about any issues that are affecting them. An email chain recently went viral in which web developer Madalyn Parker contacted her colleagues to inform them that she would be using two sick days to focus on her mental health. In response, the CEO of the company, Ben Congleton, thanked her for being an example and helping to “cut through the stigma”. In doing so, he was setting an important example himself.
A more considerate, compassionate workplace could well be one of the keys to a happier, healthier workforce. Just a few simple gestures can make a world of difference to yourself or colleagues. If you are struggling, or you think you may know somebody who is struggling, remember that it’s good to talk.

Amy Morin, ‘Introducing a little compassion to your workplace culture has big benefits’ Available at:
Knowledge@Wharton, ‘Why fostering a culture of ‘companionate love’ in the workplace matters’ Available at:
Amy Gallo, ‘When you’re worried about a colleague’s mental health’
Jennifer Calfas, ‘Meet the CEO whose comments about mental health in the workplace went viral’ Available at: