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Developing Others - Potential development areas

Part of your role as a manager or leader is to encourage the development of your team. This task enables you to keep a record of development ideas for individuals ahead of scheduled performance review / development meetings.

Completing the task

You can use the below task, to record development ideas for members of your team ­– complete one task per individual.

NOTE: If you identify a pressing development need, it is recommended that you act upon this immediately, rather than waiting to address it in a performance review meeting.

  1. Print off a copy of the below question for each member of your team, or save individual versions on your computer. Ensure that they are stored / saved in a secure place, but one that you can access easily. Write each person’s name and date of their next review meeting at the top of the page.

  2. Record the development idea or opportunity that you have identified in the 'Development Area’ section. Do not focus just on ‘needs’, but also think in terms of what talents you have spotted in the individual, and how they can be used to your team and organisation’s advantage.

  3. The ‘Why’ should be used to note down the reasons why you think development is appropriate or necessary.

  4. Think of the advantages that this development area can add to the team or organisation, and write these in the ‘Benefits’. It is important to discuss the benefits you have identified with the individual in question, to help get their agreement. However, you must listen to any concerns they may express in response, especially if the development area you are proposing is an opportunity rather than an actual need.

  5. Consider how you are going to develop your team member, e.g. external course, secondment, job shadowing etc. Use the ‘Method’ to record this. It may be necessary to think of more than one method.

  6. Bring the template along with you to your team member’s next performance review meeting.

Potential Development Areas

Name: ________________________________ Date of next review: _________

Date of assessment: _____________________

Development Area: ________________________________________________

Benefits: _________________________________________________________

Method(s): _______________________________________________________

Continue this task and build on areas of improvements and growth

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