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Developing Others - Assessing team development needs

This self-assessment allows you to review how effectively you plan development at team level. It will help you to establish actions that ensure team development needs are thoroughly and accurately identified. You can complete this self-assessment individually, or you may consider completing it with your team to encourage them to recognise their own responsibilities when it comes to their development.


  1. This self-assessment asks you a series of questions. Work through each of them, answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as appropriate.

  2. For those you have answered ‘yes’, write down information to support this in the ‘Evidence’ column.

  3. For those you have answered ‘no’, consider what steps you are going to take to rectify the situation, and make a note of these in the ‘Action’ column.

  4. If appropriate, identify who needs to take ownership of the action and record this in the ‘Owner’ column.

  5. If you are completing this self-assessment individually, arrange to meet the owners you have identified to discuss the work that needs to be done.

  6. If you are completing this self-assessment with a team, you should consider an appropriate time to hold a follow-up meeting to discuss the progress that has been made on the action points.

Assessing Team Development Needs: Self-Assessment -

  • Are we clear about the key business objectives for our team?

  • Do we know what the organisation’s key business objectives are?

  • Are we clear about how our team’s key business objectives align with those of the organisation?

  • Do we understand how we personally contribute to the achievement of the team’s and organisation’s key business objectives?

  • Are we aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the team as a whole?

  • Are we clear about the key development priorities for our team?

  • Are our team members actively involved in the identification of development needs during the business planning process?

  • Are our team’s development needs regularly reviewed (e.g. quarterly) at our team meetings?

  • Do team members try to share knowledge and learn from each other?

  • Do team members provide each other with suggestions for improvement and honest feedback about their strengths and weaknesses?

  • Do team members support each other effectively?

  • Do we review development activities that we have undertaken in order to identify what we have learned and establish further needs?

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