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Building Trust - The Considerate Colleague


Whether you are part of a team or have infrequent contact with others, it is important to ensure that you always behave appropriately in order to create harmonious and profitable working relationships. Here are some top tips on workplace etiquette you can use to ensure that you are a considerate colleague.

1. Noise

Try to keep excess noise to a minimum to avoid disturbing others. Keep the volume on your computer, telephone and radio turned down low or use headphones. Speak quietly when you are conversing with others, either face to face or over the telephone.

Notes on using the telephone: answer your telephone promptly or set it up to switch to voicemail after three or four rings. Wherever possible, avoid using a speakerphone as this will amplify sound and project the conversation around the entire office. If you have to use a speakerphone, use it in a private meeting room. Mobile telephones can also be a source of some annoyance so make sure your ringtone is a simple ring or beep, or put it on silent mode when you are in the office. Turn it off in meetings.

2. Smell

If you wear perfume or aftershave, make sure it is not overpowering. Not everyone shares the same taste when it comes to fragrances so it is best to leave the heavier perfumes for the evening – lighter, citrus-based fresh scents are much more appropriate for the workplace. Also some scents can cause physical reactions (e.g. headaches, sinus problems, rashes). The same applies to air fresheners – avoid using these in the office if at all possible.

If you do not have a separate dining area in your workplace and you tend to eat your lunch at your desk, avoid strong-smelling or spicy foods as their aroma tends to linger long after the food has disappeared.

A final point about smell – don’t remove your shoes in the office. If you have to change your shoes, go to the bathroom and do it there.

3. Your workspace

Remember that this is your workplace not your home so avoid the temptation to decorate with photographs, ornaments, plants and posters. It is OK to have a few personal items but these should be in good taste and should also be appropriate to the working environment. If you share a desk with someone then you should not leave any personal belongings on or around the desk at all.

Keep your workspace neat, tidy and clean. There should be no discarded food or drink, old papers, magazines or anything piled up on or near your desk. Try to reduce the number of piles of paper you have on your desk – invest in a filing cabinet, folders or drawers and tidy this paper away at least once a month. If you do not have a cleaner, dust your desk, computer and other office furniture regularly.

4. Personal interactions

When conversing with others in the office, keep non-work conversations to a minimum so as not to disturb the people around you who are working and keep your voice low. If you are having a quick chat, be careful not to badmouth or gossip about anyone. If you overhear someone else gossiping, resist the temptation to join in.

Never use bad language and avoid raising your voice. If you are angry or frustrated about something, take a few moments to calm yourself down then address the issue in a rational, professional manner.

If you need to have a confidential conversation, either on the telephone or face to face, go into a meeting room or out of the office to ensure privacy.

5. Hygiene

Don’t come into work if you are ill. Obviously everyone looks favourably on a responsible and dedicated worker, but if you are genuinely ill it is far better to stay at home rather than risk infecting your colleagues. If you do go to work with a mild cold, remember to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and dispose of used tissues immediately.

6. Personal space

Respect your colleagues’ space and yours will be respected accordingly. Stand a good distance away, avoid physical contact and do not lean across or shout over someone’s head to other colleagues.

If you need to speak to a colleague who happens to be on the telephone, slip a note onto their desk or send them an email explaining that you need to speak to them. Don’t hang around their desk waiting for them to finish. Similarly, if someone appears busy with work, assume that they do not want to be interrupted and either wait for an appropriate moment to speak to them or email them.

If you sit at a desk directly opposite a colleague, don’t stare into their space and try not to eavesdrop on their conversations. If you do happen to overhear their conversation, resist the temptation to comment on what you have heard.

Finally, try not to bring your personal life into the workplace. When it comes to sharing information about your private life, a good rule of thumb is only to share what you would not be embarrassed about reading in the newspaper the next day!



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