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Building Confidence - Assessing Your Confidence


Do you find that confidence comes easily to you? Or do you sometimes find it hard to get your needs met without feeling guilty or causing resentment?

This self-assessment will help you gauge your confidence and identify areas where you could become more confident.


Look at the statements below and give your answer a score from this scale:

1 – nothing like me

2 – not much like me

3 – somewhat like me

4 – a lot like me

5 – definitely me



I am direct and clear when expressing myself.

Other people find me approachable.

I stand up for myself but respect the rights of others.

I am happy and comfortable meeting new people in social situations.

I place great value in my own experience and knowledge.

I am aware of my rights.

I feel that I am capable of learning new things and taking on new duties or responsibilities.

I am happy to ask for help or information when I need it.

I will speak up confidently in group situations.

I can express my emotions without apportioning blame.

I discuss my beliefs but do not judge those who don’t agree with me.

I achieve my goals but won’t unfairly disadvantage others in the process.

If someone asks me to do something, I choose whether to accommodate, negotiate, compromise or refuse.

I say what I mean and I mean what I say.

I am confident.


Add up your score and enter it into the Total column.


51-75: you are consistently confident and handle most situations effectively.

26-50: you can be reasonably confident in some areas, but are not sure of yourself in others. Learning some confidence techniques would boost your score.

15-25: you have difficulty in being confident and could benefit from learning and practising confident behaviour.

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