The best way to manage your goals is through setting up a method to tracking your success and holding yourself accountable. The SMART Guidelines will set yourself up for success in achieving your goals.
Clearly describe what will be accomplished and how;
Address the five W’s – who, what, when, where & why;
Focus on results and outcomes that are clear and concise;
Use action verbs – design, develop, implement, produce, etc.; and
Example: resolve accounting discrepancies within 48 hours.
Describe the criteria used to evaluate success: (Quantity, Quality, Cycle Time, Productivity, Cost Effectiveness, Time to Completion);
Should include numeric or descriptive measures that define quantity, quality, cost, etc.;
Define how success will be measured, e.g., observable actions, quantity, quality, cycle time, efficiency, and/or flexibility to measure outcomes (not activities); and
Example: secure pledges from ten new donors each week.
The objective is stretching, but also within reason for the individual’s ability and performance constraints;
Must be within the individual’s control, influence and authority;
Feasible, achievable with available resources and within the time frame originally outlined;
Identify needed resources, information, personnel, finances, work environment to attain the goal; and
Example: Obtain XYZ professional certification within two years.
Strong link to the individual’s or organization’s vision and values, objectives and goals; or the mission of the team, department and ultimately the organization.
Describe why the goal is important. What happens if it is not achieved? What happens if it is?
Example: Develop and implement a diversity recruitment plan that increases the number of diversity candidates by ten percent.
State the time frame associated with the objective; identify a definite target date for completion and/or dates for specific action steps that are important for achieving the goal;
Identify calendar milestones, check-in dates, frequency of meetings or frequency of checking metrics or measures of success;
Example: Check the fire alarms and emergency lighting in all buildings every six months.