Achievement drive means having high personal and professional standards. It means striving to improve and the meet new, higher standards of excellence. It means being a life learner!
People who are driven to achieve…
Are results-oriented;
Set “stretch goals”;
Have a high drive to meet objectives and standards;
Take moderate, calculated risks;
Learn how to improve their performance; and
Pursue information – reduce uncertainty and find ways to do better.
People without achievement drive…
Work without regard to expectations;
Don’t push themselves;
Do the minimum to get by;
Don’t take goals seriously;
Tend to set easy goals;
Accept the status quo; and
Don’t demonstrate an interest in working independently to an internal standard of excellence.
Tips to develop achievement drive…
Set goals and standards of excellence;
Make your goals “SMART”;
Keep a daily log of your achievements;
Take at least one step each day toward your goals; and
Get in touch with the emotional pull of what you want to achieve and why.
