Thinking and acting “on purpose” and deliberately; knowing what it takes to control your own outcomes, your own destiny
People with this competence:
Make decisions and take action in a manner consistent with their goals and values;
Manage distractions and keep focused on their objectives;
Make a consistent effort to bring about the things they want to make happen;
Are clear about what they want to make happen in their lives, in their careers, in a particular week, or in a particular meeting; and
Act deliberately to achieve the outcomes they want.
People lacking this competency:
Fail to set goals and adhere to them;
Allow themselves to be tossed about by the prevailing winds of life or the day;
Allow themselves to become distracted from what they ideally want to achieve, whether that’s their ideal life, finding their ideal position or career, or being intentional and deliberate in choosing friends or a mate in life; and
Are unclear about the outcomes they seek, and fail to plan to achieve specified outcomes.
Development tips:
Become actively intentional; step back and ask yourself “What do I ideally want to have happen here?” (in this meeting, in this family or social gathering, in this day, in the week ahead);
Give yourself permission to actively set an intention for what you want and go after it;
Allow yourself the astonishment and joy of actively and consistently creating richer, more meaningful and more loving interactions, closer friendships and bonds with others, greater success at work, with your teams, direct reports and other colleagues;
Don’t allow yourself to be distracted from your goals and intentions;
Know what you want and put a plan in place to make it happen;
Solicit help and support as needed to your intentions to fruition; and
Adopt the belief that you are in control of your destiny.
“Control your destiny, or someone else will.” - Jack Welch
“We are not creatures of circumstance; we are creators of circumstance.” – Benjamin Disraeli
“The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing.” - Michael Gerber
“Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice.” - William Jennings Bryan
“It is always your next move.” - Napoleon Hill